Voice teller is Great Northwest's automated phone system. You have access to a wide range of options to choose from to get information on your accounts. Below are listed the contact numbers and how to select your options.

Aberdeen Area: 360-533-5154

Raymond Area: 360-942-5022

Other Areas: 1-800-733-8428

Select Your Service                         

1. Share Savings                               

2. Share Draft Checking                                           

3. IRA                                                                                                  

4. Certificates

5. Line of Credit 

6. Loan(s)

7. Credit Card

Pick Your Action

1. Account Summary 

2. More Details

3. Transfer Funds

4. Another Account

5. More Choices

If Transferring Funds

1. Transfer From Account

2. Loan Payment 

3. Transfer To Account

4. Advance From Loan 

5. Withdrawal By Check

All Account Balances

Select Option 3 from the main menu to hear

all account balances from within one account. 

General Information

Select Option 4 for the General Info menu. 

1. Locations and Office Hours

2. Locate Nearest ATM 

3. Report Lost/Stolen Card

More Choices

Select Option 8 to Report a card as Lost/Stolen or to change

your PIN for accessing Voice Teller. 

Block Your Card

This is an available option from within Voice Teller, however, to call 

directly to block your card 24/7, you can dial 1-877-745-4582.