When you register for funds transfer, an email is sent to the email address that you have provided to validate your identity. This email once received will contain a code that you must enter in the "edit your profile" section of the fund's transfer.
In the "edit your profile" section, you will see the email address entered along with the status and action columns. Under the action column:
- Click on validate (a box will appear)
- Enter validation code
- Click submit
You will have 30 days to validate your email address after registering for a funds transfer.
If the validation code is lost or expired:
- You can click the link to "re-send validation code". The validation code should take no more than a few minutes to be received.
- If you cannot find the email with the validation code: check your Spam or Bulk Email folders.
- Also, you can add an email address here and follow the same steps to validate the email address.
Upper right-hand button (settings) >Emails> Choose email address to validate, add, or delete.
Choose email account to validate-Awaiting Validation> hit the validate button