Main Screen

Provides a forecast visualization of Current Cash Available across the selected date range and according to the current account filter. Hover over any point on the graph to see Ending Balance for that day. 

  • Cash Events: Timeline displays upcoming Cash Events. You can add new or edit existing events. Overdue events are flagged with a red exclamation mark. 
  • Date Picker: Select the displayed date range
  • Accounts Filter: View All Accounts or filter by specific Accounts

Toggle Calendar View

  • Gives an alternative view of expenses and income for the selected month
  • Expenses and Income are represented by red down arrows and green up arrows, respectively 

Cash Events

Cash Events are recurring or one-time events (income or expenses) represented in your Cash Flow forecast. Cash Events include the following properties:

  • Payee (Event Name): Name of cash event
  • Average Amount: Amount of recurring transaction 
  • Type: Whether this event is an expense or income
  • Account: Account associated with the event
  • Frequency: Date and repeating schedule
  • Category(optional): Choose appropriate category