Adding Cash Events

Creating Cash Events

  • Click Add an Event to create new recurring or one-time events
  • List displays of suggested recurring events based on transaction history. Select the green checkmark to add an event to your Cash Events List. 
  • Don't see the desired transaction? Select "Create your Own"

Create Manual Cash Events

Allows you to manually enter a Cash Event that is not listed in the suggested transactions. 

Based on Past Transaction- Pulls up a list of transactions from the last two months. Useful for transactions that may not have yet recurred or otherwise do not appear in the Suggested list. 

  • Select a transaction
  • On popup: set Start Date, set Repeats info
  • Select Save

Start from Scratch 

Manually enter a Cash Event that is not currently represented in your transactions. 

Edit Cash Events

Select a Cash Event from the Events list:

  • Manually Mark Paid: Update the status of an overdue Cash Event that does not have a corresponding matching transaction or if the transaction occurred of Cash Flow. Matching allows the forecast to improve over time. 

  • Edit Properties: Select  and select Edit to edit its properties

Delete Cash Events

  • Select a Cash Event from the Events List, select  and select Delete to delete the current cash event.
  • You can also select  on the Edit screen and select Delete.
  • You will be presented with these delete options: