- Select the date from the top navigation bar
- Filter Accounts to display or remove desired accounts
- You can toggle between Spending and Income
- Each color in the spending wheel corresponds with the categories listed in the table
- Click a segment of the spending wheel to see subcategories
- Click the center of the wheel to see specific transactions
Not seeing all your categories?
- Check the Other Category, which is a "Catch All" in the spending view. Any category that represents less than 3 percent of total spending is in the Other category.
- Be sure your transactions are properly categorized. The system effectively categorizes most transactions, but some slip through. If you categorize transactions, the system will learn your preferences.
Does a spending category seem off?
- Be sure your transactions are properly categorized. The system effectively categorizes most transactions, but some slip through. If you categorize transactions, the system will learn your preferences.
- Note that certain credit transactions such as reimbursements are counted in the spending wheel.