
Top Navigation Bar

  • Filter Accounts to select specific accounts
  • Click the date to see a calendar or click the date dropdown to choose a specific range
  • Export your transactions to CSV to view in Excel, add a transaction (for manual accounts only), search by date, payee, category, account, amount, tags, and memo. 
  • The blue dot at the left indicates transactions that haven't been clicked on yet 
  • Green represents income
  • Click a transaction to view details or to edit it 

Edit a Transaction 

  • Change the payee, date, and category. Over time, the software will learn your categorization preferences. 
  • Click Category to select a different category, or add a new one. If you select a different category, a popup asks if you want to re-categorize all transactions from that Payee.
  • Click Tags to create searchable labels such as business, vacation, taxes, holidays, etc. 
  • Click Memo to add details about this transaction. 
  • Triple Dot Menu:
    • Flag a transaction to call it out in the transactions list
    • Exclude Transaction to hide the transaction from all calculations including budgets, spending, net worth, etc. Once excluded, a button will appear allowing you to Re-Include the transaction. 
    • Split Transaction to split a transaction in two or more. Use this if a single transaction contains at least two separate categories. 
      • To edit a split, open the screen again (below) and click the trash can, then create a new split. 
    • TIP: Use your keyboard's arrow keys to quickly switch between transactions. 

Seeing duplicate transactions?

Here are a few reasons why you might be seeing duplicate transactions:

  1. Your accounts have been added twice. If you see two of the same account, click one of them and then select Delete in the lower right corner. 
  2. You're seeing both the debit and the credit side of a single transfer. Transactions categorized as transfers don't show up in the spending wheel or your budgets because they don't represent an increase or decrease in assets. 
  3. Your institution is duplicating certain transactions when it passes the data to us. Reach out to us. 

Not seeing all your transactions?

There could be a few different reasons for this, including:

  1. A transaction might be so recent that it's still pending and hasn't shown up yet. 
  2. You've logged in for the first time. Only 90 days of transactions are pulled on the first login. 
  3. It has been more than 30 days since you last logged in. In most cases, each new log-in only pulls 30 to 45 days' worth of transactions. To be sure all your transactions are included, we recommend logging in at least once every 30 days. 

If these three reasons don't match what you're experiencing, please contact us. 

Pending Transactions

  • Pending Transactions appear in italics and a lighter color at the top of the transactions list. These are transactions that appear in your account but have not yet posted or been confirmed. 
  • Some of the data of a pending transaction may change once it's posted, such as the date, description, and even the amount. 
  • Pending Transactions can be permanently deleted by clicking Delete This Transaction.